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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is microblading/permanent makeup?

Microblading is a manual method of implanting pigment in hair-like strokes in the epidermis to create the look of fuller brows. This form of tattooing is the newest trend in Semi-Permanent Makeup. The natural-looking results are achieved with a sharp, hand-held blade made up of 7+ microneedles. Instead of outlining and filling in the outline of your brows with color, microblading allows for the placement of hair-like strokes into the skin. Whereas traditional tattooing uses needles on a rotary/coil machine to push ink 7 layers deep into the skin, microblading uses a manual blade and only targets 3 layers of skin. Because the pigment sits so superficially in the skin the strokes are sharp, and crisp, and they mimic the look of real hair! Your new brows will last anywhere between 1-3 years depending on the environmental exposure they receives.

What are the benefits of microblading?

1. Reduce the amount of time necessary to get ready in the morning.

As every professional woman knows, you have to wake up every morning and “put on your face.” This ritual process of making yourself presentable to the world with makeup takes up a lot of time and can be tiresome. Since Microblading is semi-permanent you won’t need to waste any more time filling in your brows to have them look presentable. All women can benefit from the time saved thanks to microblading

2. Gives those with skin diseases like alopecia or hair loss secondary to chemo a natural-looking brow.

Microblading was originally founded in Asia for cancer patients who had gone through chemotherapy and lost a significant amount of eyebrow hair. Microblading will benefit anyone who is experiencing hair loss or a lack of hair growth in the brows thanks to any disease that may be causing it. The crisp-looking characteristics of microblading make it very difficult to tell that you’ve even had a procedure done, giving those who would usually have to deal with the unsightly presentation of penciled-in brows a much better alternative!

3. Does not smudge or smear off, even with exercise for those with an active lifestyle.

Microblading implants pigments into the first 3 layers of skin. Without having to add any makeup, clients can enjoy any physical activity without the worry of losing the look of their brows. 

How long is a session?

Sessions only take 1 ½ hours.
Imagine, 1 ½ hours of your life in exchange for up to 3 years of worry free brows! You’d spend at least 5 minutes every day on your brows alone. 5×365= 1825 minutes a year!

How long does it last?  When do I know it's time to do a touch up?

It lasts 1-3 years

Microblading lasts 1-3 years based on environmental factors like sun exposure. It’s not permanent, but semi-permanent. It allows you to change the shape of the brow with new trends since only lasts 1-3 years.

Pigment does not change color, only loses saturation

Ever seen a tattoo that’s gone from black to green? That wouldn’t happen with microblading. The pigments used in microblading are all organic and specifically made so that they do not change color. They will slowly lose saturation over time, cueing you to come in for a touch-up session!

Does microblading hurt?

it's virtually painless!

When you come in for your session the first thing our microblading artist will do is use a strong numbing cream. This cream makes the process virtually pain-free. The only thing clients feel is a “carving” sensation as the pigment is implemented into the skin.

Microblading is very safe in the hands of a professional microblading artist. It is minimally invasive and has very little downtime!

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